EASTER LESSONS 4: The One Who Was Different

EASTER LESSONS 4: The One Who Was Different


The One Who Was Different

An  Easter Story in Jigsaw style.  $13.50 Plus p&p

A flannelgraph story overviewing the life of Christ including ascension.  The final ‘piece’ show a         silhouette of Jesus.  A popular lesson with the       children. 

Included with this lesson are plans for the total hour plus helps for an Easter party programme.

· · Memory verse visual  (KJV) - can be adapted

· · Ideas for take hoe memory tokens

· · Lesson visuals and questions for quiz

· · Devotional calendar to photocopy for each child

· · Games

To order:

Email Pam Brooking pamb@gible.net or phone 027 565 0467

Purchases can be paid through online banking or by cheque. More details will be emailed to buyer after confirmation of order.


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