EASTER LESSONS 5: Thomas Believes

EASTER LESSONS 5: Thomas Believes

Sale Price:$19.50 Original Price:$19.50

Thomas Believes   $ 19.50 Plus p&p

A Flashcard lesson with resources for a full one hour programme for EASTER.  Coloured Visuals are 28cms x 43.5 cm and the text     includes  Party club invitations, Invite poster, Memory verse drill ideas,   Easter Song to sing, Memory verse Romans 10:9 (KJV) and tokens for children to take home, game ideas, craft and a take home “Trail to True Treasure”.

To order:

Email Pam Brooking pamb@gible.net or phone 027 565 0467

Purchases can be paid through online banking or by cheque. More details will be emailed to buyer after confirmation of order.



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